Contact person
Seva Phillips
(0) 207 438 2500

Arts & Culture Finance provides specialist finance for arts, cultural and creative organisations in England. By investing in the cultural and creative sector, we want to support more organisations to become enterprising and resilient and promote the wider positive impact art and creativity have on society.


Arts & Culture Finance offers unsecured loans of various sizes. Our finance is flexible, with the investment team working closely with applicants to meet their needs. Investment can be used, among other things, to scale up existing activities, launch new income streams or entirely new ventures, or to manage cash flow challenges. 

Organisations seeking investment must have a clear social mission at the heart of what they do and create positive social impact for the individuals and communities they work with. We welcome applications from across a wide range of creative industries, including visual and performing arts, cultural heritage, literature, film and broadcasting, crafts, fashion, and architecture. Combined arts and sector support organisations are also welcome to apply.


Our Funds