Contact person
Natasha Jolob

We are a social enterprise based in the East Midlands. We seek to make a stepped change in how business is done by bringing fresh, new, innovative approaches and solutions by using the principles of Kaizen (continuous improvement) and Social Value to business and investment planning.

Kai-zen is a Leicestershire-based social enterprise consultancy and training company that supports organisations to change and improve for the better. ‘Kaizen’ is a recognised business improvement approach that literally means to ‘change and improve for the better’. Continuous improvement and helping businesses to maximise their impact is at the heart of what we do. We provide investment readiness support, business planning, social impact modelling, and workplace wellbeing support.

We are Advanced Accredited Social Value Practitioners (Social Value UK) and as such we support and promote best practice in social value and impact investing.

We apply the principles of Kaizen to our investment support. These are: Effective processes, self-reflection, collaborative approach, working as a team, speaking with data and managing by facts, addressing the root causes of problems, embracing change, and step by step continuous improvement.

We also provide workplace wellbeing support including meditation to improve individual performance and mental and emotional wellbeing as part of our service offer.

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